Diet checkup tool, counseling can help heart health

By American Heart Association News

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A quick, 在医生的办公室里做一份简单的问卷调查,可以帮助人们对抗心血管疾病的主要原因之一——不良饮食, a new report says.

你吃什么和吃多少会影响其他心脏风险因素, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and being overweight. 全球约有1100万例死亡——以及约一半的心脏病死亡——可归咎于不良饮食, according to the 2017 Global Burden of Disease Study, a look at the health impact of diet in 195 countries.

美国心脏协会周五在其期刊上发表了新的科学声明 Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes,呼吁进行常规的医疗保健访问,包括某种形式的饮食评估和咨询. 饮食筛查工具可以整合到所有医疗机构的电子健康记录中, the statement said.

“在定期就诊期间,在处理可改变的风险因素时,饮食模式和质量没有得到充分的重视," nutritional epidemiologist Maya Vadiveloo, chair of the statement writing group, said in a news release. “有证据表明饮食会导致疾病和死亡, it is a risk factor worth screening for continuously."

该声明的作者回顾了15种现有的筛查工具, which ask questions about consumption of fruits, vegetables, sugary and processed food, juice and alcohol.

声明没有支持具体的工具,但说有效的筛查应该迅速使用, be based in scientific evidence, and ask about the whole diet pattern, not just single foods or nutrients.


“除了评估饮食质量之外,一个重要的组成部分是针对可操作的改变-帮助患者设定可实现的饮食目标-然后在下次就诊时进行跟踪。," Alice H. 写作小组副主席利希滕斯坦在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽稿中说. 她是波士顿塔夫茨大学Jean Mayer美国农业部人类营养衰老研究中心心血管营养小组的资深科学家.

According to the statement, diet patterns can be overlooked during an office visit because of lack of training and knowledge; lack of time and reimbursement; competing demands during the often-short office visit; and because nutrition services aren't integrated into many health care settings.

"However, these barriers can be overcome," said Vadiveloo, 金斯顿罗德岛大学营养与健康科学助理教授. "We want a valid, 可靠的饮食评估方法,反映了最好的科学, 大多数被评估的工具使用不到10分钟."

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