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Cardiac arrests caused by opioid overdose are a significant cause of death in the United States and differ from other forms of cardiac arrest, according to an 美国心脏协会 report that calls for more education and exploring new treatments.

周一发表在美国心脏协会杂志上 循环, the scientific statement defines the unique features of opioid-associated cardiac arrest, explains how body functions are affected and provides guidance to health care professionals on treatment options. Cardiac arrest is what happens when the heart suddenly stops beating.

It "is fundamentally different from adult out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrests, 哪一个更常被研究," Dr. Cameron Dezfulian, vice chair of the scientific statement writing group, said in a news release. He is medical director of the Adult Congenital Heart ICU at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston.

例如, cardiac arrests caused by opioid overdose present differently than other cardiac arrests, 比如由心脏病发作引起的那种.

Opioid use disorder affects more than 2 million Americans, according to the statement. The risk of overdose from these drugs – including prescription pain medications, 非医疗类阿片,如海洛因, and synthetic opioids restricted to hospitals such as fentanyl – is higher in people with the disorder because they are often mixed with alcohol or other toxic substances. Opioid overdose resulted in 49,860 deaths in 2019, according to data from the 疾病控制和预防中心.

Cardiac arrests caused by opioids occur at a younger age and are more likely to happen at home or in a private setting without any witnesses.

阿片类药物引起的心脏骤停, 缺氧或缺氧发生在心脏停止跳动之前, Dezfulian说. Lacking oxygen, brain damage occurs within minutes, even if the heart is still beating.

Teaching the public how to spot the signs of an overdose and what to do if they witness one can play critical roles in the fight against opioids, 声明说. Opioid-induced cardiac arrest can happen suddenly and may be mistaken for snoring or falling asleep.

声明呼吁紧急医疗救援, trained lay people and the general public (with support from 911 dispatchers) to administer naloxone to prevent cardiac arrest in people overdosing on opioids. Naloxone is a medication shown to rapidly reverse respiratory depression or hypoventilation caused by opioids. 心肺复苏 with chest compressions and rescue breaths also can be effective.

以及更广泛的公共教育,德芙莲说, "legal reforms and policies aimed at preventing opioid-associated cardiac arrest can save lives and should include resources for medication treatment in order to improve recovery for a generally young, 是我们人口中健康的一部分."

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